Biggleswade’s Abbotsbury Residential Homeis rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Abbotsbury is a residential care home providing personal care for 32 residents in Biggleswade.
The CQC rated Abbotsburyas outstanding for caring, responsive and well-led, and good for being safe and effective.
The CQC said, “People told us staff were, ‘Amazing and treated them very well’ and were ‘Very kind, caring and funny.’ Staff interacted with people at their pace, unrushed, and joked and laughed.
“Staff in all roles were empowered to sit and chat to people and developed relationships that helped people feel confident. Many people, relatives and staff used the word ‘family’ when describing the service.”
The home, to 32 residents, is also praised for its ‘positive and inclusive approach to care’, that ‘people were truly respected and valued as individuals…in an exceptional service’ and that it offers care that was ‘high-quality and person-centred’.
Its report highlights the staff and includes an example of relatives who said they had ‘their family member back’ thanks to Abbotsbury. The resident used to spend a lot of time in bed and had stopped speaking, but thanks to the dedicated staff, they are now speaking and again taking part in things they used to enjoy.
Councillor Carole Hegley, our Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Housing Operations and Customer Services, said: The CQC sets a very high bar to achieve an outstanding rating. It takes a lot of effort and determination by staff and strong committed leadership. This is a fabulous achievement.”