The Amherst Court care home in Chatham, Kent has been rated outstanding by the healthcare regulator the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The home, specialises in residential and personal care for over 65’s, some living with dementia.
After inspectors visited the care home on 10 & 11 April 2018 it was rated outstanding in two categories, responsive and well-led and rated good in the caring, safe and effective categories.
It was evident to inspectors that staff had developed positive activities strategies for people to flex their cognitive abilities and residents took part in activities to limit isolation and memory loss.
Resident's participation in person centred activities promoted their health and wellbeing. Some people in the service continued to be encouraged to participate in activities based on the Energise-Dance-Nourish-Arts (EDNA) model. The activities encouraged people to test their physical and mental dexterity as individuals and groups and enabled them to share their life skills and experiences.
Comments made to the CQC included, "Staff are great with activities." Another person said, "I have not needed to complain, I have everything I need", and "They listen to me and I listen to them, they are good to me here."
The CQC report also highlighted that innovative working practices continued to be developed. Amherst Court facilitated multidisciplinary professional outreach meetings to link with GP's, pharmacies and the community nursing team.
A health care professional said, "The managers at Amherst have been very receptive to this improvement project and to elements of improvement that they can introduce to their staff such as early warning of deterioration indicators." These promoted joint working and best practice to benefit everyone living in the care facility.