Churchfields Care Home in Cassington, Oxfordshire was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 11 February 2020.
It achieved the score of Good for the safe, effective, and responsive categories.
Churchfields is a care home providing personal and nursing care to older people.
The CQC report highlighted that the family run service excelled in making Churchfields a home from home. The provider put people at the centre of everything they did. When CQC inspectors spoke to the provider, they were emotional and passionate about the service they provided. The provider said, "When we took over this service, we had a vision and we wanted to make it a reality. Seeing our residents happy now and living life the way they want is fulfilment of that vision."
CQC inspectors saw evidence that the provider did all they could to ensure staff had all the tools at their disposal to ensure they could give high quality care.
The provider built an extension to accommodate staff comfort with training room, staff room and offices. Staff were really touched about this. One member of staff said, "I have never heard of an owner spending so much on staff comfort. Normally extensions are to put more residents."
Residents and relatives said the service was exceptionally led. They said, "Very much well led. Rapport with team and the ethos of this home is out of this world" and "Good care homes are difficult to find, that fit the needs of your loved ones. This one certainly did and it's all down to the excellent management."
