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Cloverdale, Alton


Cloverdale in Alton, Hampshire, was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 9 & 10 September 2019.

It achieved the score of good for the safe effective and responsive categories.

Cloverdale is a residential care home which provides accommodation and support to four people who have a learning disability and who may also have a physical health condition.

CQC inspectors highlighted that people were delighted to see staff when they arrived for their shift. People liked being with the staff, enjoyed their company and joined in with what the staff were doing. There was appropriate physical contact, people would throw their arms around staff to give them a welcoming hug.

Staff, through their close relationships with people's families had an excellent understanding of what was happening in their wider circle. They knew about, understood and responded to issues which could impact upon people.

The culture at Cloverdale was open, transparent and homely and staff clearly enjoyed working at the service with people. Staff learnt about the human rights principles of fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy (FREDA) during their induction and understood and promoted these principles in their daily work with people.

All staff were seen to treat people with respect and dignity. They were fair to people and promoted their right to autonomy in all aspects of their lives.

They also recognised people's protected characteristics as defined under the Equality Act. They had ensured a person with a physical disability continued to have full access to the home, when their mobility deteriorated, by carrying out adaptations. Staff ensured everyone lived a full and active life, demonstrated by their high levels of community presence and community participation. Staff used the principles of the provider's 'Active Support' programme to enable people to reach their full potential.

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