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Croft House Care Home Limited, Keighley


Croft House Care Home Limited in Keighley, West Yorkshire, was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 10 & 15 January 2020.

The safe category received a score of Good.

Croft House Care Home provides personal care to people aged 65 and over.

Residents and their relatives were fully involved in the homes approach to training. They had accessed training to better understand health conditions to provide better self-care or emotional support. They were involved in an awareness day about pressure ulcers, with games used to develop knowledge and awareness.

Feedback about staff was truly exceptional. One person said, "Every morning an angel visits me and takes care of me." Another person said of staff, "They are so kind to people and take so much time with everyone." A visiting professional stated "I think this home is amazing, my first visit felt like I was in a lovely home of a patient, all staff have a personal relationship and know all patients they are just not a number."

Staff consistently interacted with people in a kind and positive manner, engaging in conversations, telling jokes and stimulating laughter at every opportunity.

People, relatives, staff and visiting health professionals all said the service provided an exceptional level of care and people experienced excellent outcomes. One relative said the home had "surpassed all expectations. It is a first-class home,” and another relative said, "The quality of care here is brilliant."

There was an exceptionally strong governance framework in place with quality improvement at the heart of it. Since the last inspection the service had strengthened its management arrangements appointing a new deputy manager and team leader, who put in place several creative initiatives that had led to real improvement of the service. This had resulted in measurable improvements to people's outcomes.

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