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Deerhurst Care Home, Bristol


Deerhurst Care Home in Bristol, a residential care home for people over eh age of 60 was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 1, 15 & 19 August 2019.

The safe category received the score of Good from the CQC.

The CQC report highlighted that the provider had initiated a project within Deerhurst Care Home to promote hydration across the organisation and to raise awareness of the importance of staying hydrated. Two hydration champions were nominated to lead the project. This helped to prevent 'avoidable' dehydration and enabled staff to easily identify the correct level and type of support a person needs for drinking and highlighted their associated risk of dehydration. This led to a 14% reduction in admissions due to falls and 10% reduction in admissions due to urinary tract infections.

The home was exceptionally complimented by relatives for its friendly atmosphere and genuine care from the staff team. Comments included, "We cannot fault the care here. It is utterly exceptional," and "My mum is cared for beautifully by the staff. It is lovely to see her appearance is taken care of. We have fallen on our feet in finding this home. The staff are marvellous.”

Since the last inspection Deerhurst Care Home had been re awarded a national dementia award at the highest-level, for Quality of Life and outstanding personal care given to people. In order to achieve this the service incorporated occupation and purpose, attachment and a sense of belonging, comfort, identity and inclusion.

One example of incorporating inclusion into the home included pre-school children regularly visited to undertake activities with people. One resident was a retired schoolteacher and another a dinner lady. Both were very protective of the children and often stood with a cup of tea watching the children play. This gave both people a sense of achievement and helped them to feel valued.

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