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Derwent View, Derby


Derwent View in Derby, a residential home for adults diagnosed with learning disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorders was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 13 September 2019.

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and responsive categories.

The CQC report highlighted that staff encouraged people to be themselves and develop their own unique personalities. One person flourished at the home as staff accepted and celebrated their life choices. Staff were extremely proud of this person whose confidence and self-esteem had increased dramatically since being at the home.

Another resident was supported by staff, a physiotherapist, and staff at a local gym, to take part in a regional sporting event. Having won medals, they returned to the home to a standing ovation from people and staff.

And another person achieved their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. To enable their participation, staff met with the DoE area supervisor and put a plan in place to allow the person to undertake the award with 1:1 staff support. The person met all the requirements of the award and completed it successfully.

The home had a lively and upbeat atmosphere. Some people were in and out of the home during the inspection engaging in their own projects and activities. Others were enjoying home life, choosing meals and snacks, carrying out domestic tasks, and socialising with staff in the home's gardens and communal areas.

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