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Faldonside Lodge, Cromer


Faldonside Lodge in Cromer, Norfolk, a residential home providing personal care to people aged 65 and over was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 27 January 2020.

It achieved the score of good for the safe and effective categories.

The CQC report highlighted that open, nurturing and compassionate relationships were encouraged at all levels and people cared for one another. Staff were highly motivated in achieving the very best for residents, their relatives, each other and the service.

Staff were keen to point out that they felt respected, completely involved and empowered to speak up and contribute to the service.

Relatives said they were always made to feel welcome and that staff, without fail, had fostered open, honest and supportive relationships with them and their family members.

One relative described the warmth they saw between their family member and a member of staff. Their family member saved their last smile for the staff member shortly before they passed away.

The service worked hard to discover what was important to each person to ensure a quality of life that was filled with the things they enjoyed. The registered manager regularly attended football matches with one person who used the service whilst for another, the service had supported a person to continue to attend a club some distance away after they moved into the home.

Openness and honesty were integral to the service and its culture and staff consistently applied these qualities throughout their work.

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