Fewcott House Nursing Home in Bicester, Oxfordshire, providing nursing care to people aged 18 and over with varying support needs, including older people living with dementia, people with a physical or learning disability and people with mental health support needs was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 24 July 2019.
The safe and effective categories received the score of Good from the CQC.
The CQC report highlighted that people were supported to celebrate special events including birthdays and to have parties. Families were invited to attend these, maintaining social contact with those important to them. They were always made to feel welcome and could stay for lunch or dinner with no restrictions on timing or length of visits.
When people's families were unable to visit on a regular basis, the service made all attempts to maintain contact via email or telephone.
The activity coordinators held one- to- one meetings with people to help them complete life history books which provided social interaction. Coordinators worked with people to help them record important information such as former careers, family information, likes and dislikes and any new things they would like to try such as visit new places or try new activities. This meant people were able to have maximum opportunities to live a full life doing what they enjoyed.
Management and leadership within the home were both exceptional. Since the last inspection, the CQC noted that the leadership at Fewcott House had continued to improve markedly with characteristics that made the service exceptional and distinctive. This was due to the provider and management team evidencing strong and effective leadership which led to a highly positive culture.
The atmosphere of the home was very positive with happy staff and people. A member of care staff said, "I love the family feel. Our own little Fewcott family."
