Five Rise Nursing Home in Bingley, West Yorkshire, providing residential care for older adults living with dementia, physical disabilities or mental health issues, has been rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 17, 24 September & 21 October 2019.
It achieved the score of good for the safe and effective categories.
The CQC report highlighted that staff in all roles were highly motivated and offered care and support which was exceptionally caring, compassionate and kind. Staff were extremely positive about working at Five Rise. Their comments included, "This is the best care home I have ever worked in" and "I love it here and look forward to coming to work." Staff were extremely proud of the care and support they were providing which made sure people who used the service were getting the very best care possible.
There is a highly skilled and effective activities coordinator at the service. They were highly committed and strived to ensure the activities were both enjoyable and beneficial. Residents took part in, and enjoyed, a wide range of activities and therapies and comments included, "The music therapy relaxes and entertains you and makes me feel good. The entertainment is good, and I enjoy the activities,” “The activities are very good," and "I like the activities and like to see the little children when they visit." "I am looking forward to going to the bar with the Gentlemen's Club."
People who used the service, relatives and staff said they would and some already had recommend the service to others, both as a place to live and work. One relative said, "I am more than happy to recommend the home and the excellent work of all the staff at the Five Rise to anyone considering the option of a care home for their parents or elderly relatives."