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Foundation House, Gloucester


Foundation House in Gloucester was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 6, 10 & 11 March 2020.

The safe category received a score of Good.

Foundation House is a care home providing personal and nursing care to people with acquired brain injuries, physical disabilities, learning disabilities and mental health needs.

The vision of Foundation House was to promote ‘A world in which people with disabilities are able to realise their potential as equal and active citizens in control of their lives.’. CQC inspectors highlighted that all staff and senior management demonstrated this clear vision and a highly positive person-centred culture was seen throughout.

The service made excellent use of technology for people living at Foundation House, including access to loan equipment to practice and test pre-ordered bespoke items for effectiveness. People were noticeably confident in using a variety of assistive technologies on their own terms to develop their independence and autonomy in areas such as self-care, domestic tasks, mobility, communication, leisure, sensory and other therapeutic activities.

Jonathan James Peter Brinkworth , the registered manager with the physiotherapist had purchased an electronic game which was controlled by an adapted roll ball mouse. This had been shown to have positive impacts on people's sitting balance, hand control, and concentration. For one person, their ability to eat independently had improved because of using this therapeutic electronic game.

Throughout the inspection it was evident that people were cared for with compassion and kindness. Staff at every level wanted people to be happy and live a life that was meaningful and fulfilling. There was a genuine sense of fondness and respect between the staff and people.

Residents told the CQC that staff were kind and caring towards them. One person said, "Staff are amazing. They are like family to me."

People highlighted that they loved to watch the soaps, play electronic games and swim. They had been to nightclubs, theatre, cinemas, holiday, music events and to the circus. One person was being supported to holiday in the place where they holidayed as a child. Another person said they worked at a local supermarket. Other people were supported to volunteer at the local library and helping at the National Star College drama and music sessions.

Relatives spoken with said their family member led an active and fulfilling life. One relative commented that since their family member had moved to the service they had 'lots going on,’ which they felt this had also led to an improvement to their emotional wellbeing.

Staff felt very well supported by the registered manager and felt able to raise issues.


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