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Foxgrove Residential Home, Felixstowe

Foxgrove Residential Home in Felixstowe, Suffolk a residential home for adults over the age of 65, was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 27 April 2018.

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and responsive categories.

At our last inspection of 23 May 2016, the service was rated Good.

The CQC report highlighted that staff spoke about residents in a compassionate manner. They knew people well and ensured that their needs were met, they also understood why it was always important to respect people.

A staff member told the CQC inspectors they felt that Foxgrove always provided an excellent service to residents. They gave examples of several people who had used the service who were related to staff which passed the, "Mum test." This was confirmed by another staff member who’s relative had resided at the service.

It was a resident’s birthday during the inspection. When lunch was finished the lights were turned off and a cake with candles was brought in. Everyone sang happy birthday and there was applause and laughter, the person blew out most of the candles with a little help from a member of staff. This highlighted that actions taken by staff demonstrated that they knew people and showed people that they mattered.

Care records included information about the choices that people had made regarding their end of life care. This included if they wished to be resuscitated, and where they wanted to be cared for at the end of their life. There were details in the records which showed that staff had explored their choices, for example in one person's records the person said that they wanted to be spoken with, be pain free and wanted noise in their bedroom so they knew that they were not alone.

There was information posted in the office about what actions to take if people were at the end of their life and if there was an expected or unexpected death. Inspectors asked a staff member about end of life and the information they were provided with confirmed that they knew this information was in the office.

In addition, there were dates for end of life training in the office for June 2018. One staff member said that they had done the training before, "It is really good, tells you how to speak with relatives and how to care for the resident."

The start to 2018 had been a difficult time at Foxgrove, with the winter flu and people dying. The staff had supported relatives and people during this time and in turn supported each other during the difficult time.

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