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Frank Foster House, Theydon Bois


Frank Foster House in Theydon Bois, Essex, a residential home for people with physical disabilities, sensory impairments and dementia was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 8 & 9 March 2018.

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and responsive categories.

The CQC report highlighted that during the inspection they found exceptional standards of care and a committed and well-trained group of staff that demonstrated the right values and attributes that provided this. They observed staff supporting people in a kind and caring manner. Independence, privacy and dignity was promoted and respected. Staff took account of people's individual needs and preferences and people were encouraged to be involved in making decisions about their care.

The home was exceptionally well managed. CQC inspectors observed management working with staff, observing practice and providing support and guidance to staff. This helped the management team with effective supervisions and appraisals for all staff. Staff were encouraged to share ideas, ask questions and to make a positive contribution to making improvements in the service. Staff meetings now included a lessons learned agenda item where any incidents, safeguarding's or accidents were shared to reflect on and look for ways to prevent further occurrences. There were staff champions within the service who took a special interest and supported staff in areas such as dementia, falls, dignity, infection control and medicines.

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