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Glebe House, Almondsbury

Glebe House in Almondsbury, Bristol, a residential home for adults with personal care and nursing needs was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 30 September & 8 October 2019.

It achieved the score of good for the safe category.

The CQC report highlighted that staff felt supported and valued due to team away days. The days were informative, fun, thought provoking and focused on bringing staff together to enhance cohesive working and continuity in care. It was a resounding success and staff were keen to attend the next one. The away day included a topic for training and in 2019 it was about the importance of hydration.

Comments about the training included, "It was very useful and relevant," "It was very useful, very positive" and "It provided me with information I didn't know and there was plenty of time to have discussions."

Staff were asked what they enjoyed most about the day. Comments included, "It was uplifting, I enjoyed the whole day," "Spending time with the manager and other colleagues" and "There were lots of useful discussions, working together and lots of participation."

Staff were extremely sensitive and proactive during times when people needed care and compassion. They continuously reviewed, discussed and explored needs and preferences in relation to personal and family support.

One relative spoke to the CQC about how their parents had been supported since living in the home and the positive impact they had been afforded. Their accommodation had been arranged so they shared a large bedroom with an additional room as their own private lounge. It was imperative when they decided to move to a care home they continued to live as a married couple. They said, "I am very happy knowing they are together, even during the days when they are not feeling well, they can still hold hands and be together. When mum was in hospital staff really helped dad keep busy and spent time with him knowing he would be missing mum.”

A paramedic recently wrote a letter praising staff for their responsive quick action when they had identified a person was choking. They wrote, "Your care team successfully performed back slaps and abdominal thrusts to clear the patient's airway. Without their quick thinking and calm choking management the outcome could have been very different. The staff were fantastic, and the situation was well managed!"

This provision of care was attributed to the home's ethos of 'prevention was better than cure'. Nurses were trained in Care Homes Early Warning Signs (CHEWS) by the Royal College of Nursing. CHEWS were specifically designed by qualified, experienced healthcare professionals for nurses and based on the 'Early Warning Scoring' systems supporting the 'Out of Hospital' Strategy. This enabled nurses to spot illness and/or deterioration in a person that much earlier.

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