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Headingley Hall Care Home, Leeds


Headingley Hall Care Home near Leeds, West Yorkshire, was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 27 November & 4 December 2019.

The safe and effective categories received a score of Good.

Headingley Hall is a residential care home providing personal care to older people, some of whom are living with dementia.

People and relatives were unanimous in their praise of the staff and the exceptionally high standards of care and support provided. The whole staff team were exceptionally thoughtful and kind, putting people's needs first and continuously looking at ways in which they could improve people's quality of life.

Relatives commented on the tremendous love, empathy and understanding displayed by staff when caring for residents approaching the end of their life. Staff consistently treated people with respect and maintained their privacy and dignity. One resident said, "My opinion is that if you get to live here, you are one of the lucky ones."

This approach extended to people's relatives and friends who were provided with exceptional support, hospitality and comfort at a difficult time. Meals and drinks were provided and thoughtful items such as comfort boxes with toiletries for families who were staying over and memory boxes for meaningful items to celebrate the person's life.

People, relatives and staff were extremely positive about the management of the service and comments included, "Management is first class" and "I think it's an excellent place, extremely well run."

Everyone that CQC inspectors spoke to said they would recommend the service to others, both as a place to live and work. One relative said, "It's excellent here. My wife and I would happily put our names down."


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