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Hillbrow Residential Care Home Limited, Crediton


The Hillbrow Residential Care Home Limited in Crediton, Devon, providing care for adults over 65, has been given the overall score of outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The inspection took place on 1 & 6 August 2018.

Hillbrow was rated outstanding in two out of five key areas.

Outstanding ratings were given in the caring and responsive aspects of the report, and the safe, effective and well-led elements received a score of good.

Staff were highly motivated to ensure people received care which was compassionate and kind. The atmosphere in the home was warm and very friendly. People had developed strong relationships with staff, and it was evident that this was an important part of the ethos of the service. Staff spent quality time chatting and building interpersonal relationships with people and saw this as a vital part of their role. They recognised how this gave people a sense of overall well-being and ensured the family feel of the home.

Residents received exceptionally personalised care and support specific to their needs and preferences. There was an excellent understanding of seeing each person as an individual, with their own social needs.

The service strived to provide people and those that matter to them with rich and fulfilled lives. They had actively sourced new opportunities for people to connect with the world and with others. The activities coordinator had linked up with a national retailers' Community Team who engaged in outreach work with people living in the local community. As a result, themed cafes had been developed at the home, where people were able to experience cooking and dining on food from different countries.

People were encouraged to socialise, pursue their interests and hobbies and try new things in a wide variety of inspiring and innovative ways. There was a focus on wellbeing and having a sense of purpose. All staff involved ensured people had access to as many opportunities as possible to aid their physical and mental health well-being. Activities formed an extremely important part of people's lives and had a positive impact on their wellbeing.

For one person, gardening was a very important part of their life before moving to Hillbrow. They had been enabled to continue to pursue their interest in the courtyard at the home. There was a lovely variety of flowers on display which the person had planted and taken great pride in. Staff had noticed they were struggling with the hose pipe. As a result, promptly a new hose pipe had been purchased by the provider to help the person continue to water the plants. This quick response to the person's needs ensured they maintained their sense of purpose, to feel valued contributing to their passion for gardening.

The resident commented, "I love gardening. I need to get deadheading if I can manage it. It is such a peaceful garden. I love it."

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