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Lang Riggs House, Manchester


Lang Riggs House in Manchester, a residential care home providing personal and nursing care to four 16 to 25 years old was rated outstanding for being effective and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 21 January 2020.

It achieved the score of Good for the safe, caring and well-led categories.

The CQC report highlighted that people received an exemplary standard of mental health rehabilitation because they were supported by an in house, highly skilled staff team which constituted of a consultant psychiatrist, psychologist, registered mental health nurses and trained mental health support workers.

Staff maintained comprehensive assessments of people's needs and choices, these included best practice standards for example, the use of the Star Recovery model. This model is an outcomes measure which enables people using services to measure their own recovery progress, with the help of mental health workers.

One person had exceeded professionals' expectations in relation to what they could achieve and was working towards more independent living, their social worker told us about housing plans and how they would continue to be supported by staff from Lang Riggs House.

Residents received exceptional support from staff to engage in activities, hobbies, community contact, employment and educational support. One person attended college independently and another had undertaken an online course in psychology. Detailed risk assessments were undertaken to ensure people could access activities and interests within the community in a safe way. People's care plans showed discussions about their achievements to date and planned goals.

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