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Lansdowne Hill Care Home, Swindon

Lansdowne Hill Care Home near Swindon, Wiltshire, a residential home for people with sensory impairments, physical disabilities and dementia was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 20 March 2018.

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and responsive categories.

At a previous inspection, the CQC inspectors found the registered manager had ensured that Lansdowne Hill Care Home provided good quality and person centred care. At this inspection, they found the service further improved and staff provided people with care that was over and above good and met the characteristics of an outstandingly kind and compassionate service.

This had been achieved this by ensuring that staff demonstrated the right values during the recruitment process. This then continued through with the training, support and close monitoring of staff to ensure that staff worked to the values of kindness, respect and compassion.

The CQC report highlighted that they had only extremely positive comments from people and their relatives about the management of the service. The comments showed there was high level of trust between management and relatives. They spoke with a relative who visited frequently that said, "This is a great home, the staff are fantastic. I come in here and help out with the gardening and some of the maintenance. The community is very good with the care home, we get involved at Christmas time and the care they get is second to none. If they have any issues, they get in touch with you straight away. We raise a lot of money with the fete which has helped buy the projector."

A resident commented, "Yes, I think the staff and the manager are doing a good job. I see and speak with the manager."

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