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Mallands Residential Care Home, Newton Abbot


Mallands Residential Care Home near Newton Abbot, Devon a residential home for adults with dementia and physical disabilities, was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 1 & 2 February 2018.

It achieved the score of good for the safe and effective categories.

The CQC report highlighted that residents were supported to maintain close family relationships. The registered manager said, "We have an open house policy for relatives. Relatives can stay overnight if their family member is poorly. They can stay with the person or just be near." A relative, who spent a lot of time with their spouse at the home commented, "They invite me down on a Sunday and we have lunch together. I was invited for Christmas. They celebrated our wedding anniversary with decorations, balloons and banners."

Mallands had participated in a campaign which promoted the right of people living with dementia to be supported by their family carers. The homes newsletter explained, "Their families must be welcome to support them as often as they are able. Families are more than 'visitors' to a person with dementia. They are an integral part of that person's life and often their last best means of connection with the world."

The service was highly responsive used the 'Eden Alternative' approach, which aims to alleviate loneliness, helplessness and boredom. It had developed a vibrant community where spontaneous and unexpected happenings took place, where people had the opportunity to participate in activity, which is meaningful, and to give, as well as to receive care.

Mallands was also exceptionally well-led and had a clear policy on equality and diversity and staff received training on this topic. People's individual preferences were identified through discussion with them or their relatives if appropriate. Their preferences were documented in care plans if they wished this information to be shared and understood and respected by staff.

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