The Oakleaf Care Group (Hartwell) Limited in Northampton, a nursing and rehabilitation home for adults with physical disabilities, was rated outstanding for being responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and caring categories.
The inspection provides a range of specialist assessment and rehabilitation programmes for people with acquired brain injuries, other neurological conditions or early onset dementia.
The inspection took place on the 3 and 4 May 2018.
At the last inspection, on 2 and 3 March 2016, the service was rated Good.
The CQC report highlighted that the innovative nature and willingness to provide a service that was centred on meeting people's diverse needs had resulted in hugely positive outcomes for people. One person said, "I feel as though things have improved since being here."
A member of staff said, "I love my job and feel very privileged to witness the progress people make, for example, to see a person walk for the first time since their brain injury."
Oakleaf ran an Employee of the Month award system. Each month, staff members were chosen by people, relatives and colleagues because of their individual qualities. Staff who were chosen to receive this award received a £50 voucher. Staff could also receive a financial benefit for recommending the service as an employer to any of their friends and relatives.
The service continued to have an excellent reputation with other professionals as providing quality support to people. Close links were kept with a variety of health and social care professionals involved in people's support. A healthcare professional who was involved in reviewing people's care said, "They have the skills and experience and they are very well led. The managers are involved and know the issues that are faced by the staff, they understand the difficulties and together maintain consistency; they do a fantastic job.