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OSJCT Hartsholme House, Lincoln


A residential home which supports people over the age of 65 with dementia, has been judged as outstanding by the Care Quality Commission.

CQC inspectors visited OSJCT Hartsholme House in Lincoln, 10 May 2018 and rated it as outstanding in the responsive and well-led categories and good for being safe, effective and caring.

There was a cognitive stimulation therapy programme implemented in the home for several years. It encouraged residents living with dementia to engage more effectively. The sessions were described by staff as fun and interactive and promoted well- being. They were evaluated and individual care records updated to reflect individual's responses and involvement, this gave other team members new ideas of how to develop their own conversations and interactions, further promoting person centred care.

The staff that CQC inspectors spoke with were very positive about the manager and head of care. One member of staff said, "We have the best manager, the best head of care and are the best team – ever! We all pull together so well."

Another member of staff said, "Yes, the home is well led from the manager up and from the manager down. They all talk to us, ask us and involve us."

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