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Parr Care Home, St Helens

Writer's picture: James ClarkJames Clark

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

Parr Care Home gets awarded outstanding in four key areas, by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Outstanding ratings were given in thecaring and well-led aspects of the report and the safe, effective and well-led aspects were rated good.

The routine inspection took place on 20 & 28November 2019, at the home in St Helens, Merseyside.

Parr House provides personal and nursing care for older people and people in need of end of life care and support.

The CQC identified that the serviceinvolved people and treated them with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect. Staff were highly motivated to provide care, which was personal, kind and compassionate. Staff were seen to be extremely kind and compassionate in their approach. They had formed positive relationships between people and their family members. People described the staff as "Caring, supportive, good fun and lovely." Family members and visitors spoke positively about the caring nature of the staff team. Their comments included "Very caring, you just need to ask and it's there" and, "They always ensurepersonal care is attended to and that they are dressed nicely."

The registered manager had been in post for over twelve years, as they had worked for the previous registered provider of the service. They demonstrated an in-depth knowledge of the needs of people who used the service as they were involved in the initial assessment of individuals' needs through to the planning and reviewing of people's care. In addition, they had an excellent knowledge of the abilities and skills of the staff team. The outstanding approach of the service was underpinned by the strong leadership of the registered manager.

People and their family members knew who the registered manager was and told us that they could approach them at any time. There was a strong ethos of caring throughout the service which was demonstrated by all staff. This ethos was driven by the registered manager and staff team who continually explored ways in which the service could improve people's day to day life.

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