Rosebank Care Home in Bampton, Oxfordshire was rated outstanding for being caring and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 29 & 31 January 2020.
It achieved the score of Good for the safe, effective and well-led categories.
Rosebank Care Home is a residential care home providing personal care to people aged 65, most of whom were living with dementia.
The CQC report highlighted that following the previous inspection, the home had further developed their ethos of striving to deliver exceptional care. This was echoed in the comments they received. Relatives comments included, "They are very smiley and upbeat. They exude care. Always upbeat and totally professional," "Staff are extremely caring here, I cannot fault it. They are welcoming and so friendly," "This home is the best, of that I have no doubt" and "The exceptional care is why people choose this place. It is just so homely."
Staff used people's personal histories to improve their lives. One person, who was new to the home was living with dementia and was restless on arrival. The person was also presenting with behaviours that challenged others. The manager was reluctant to increase prescribed medicines to calm the person, so staff investigated the person's life. It was discovered the person was an 'outdoors' type with a passion for horses. A nearby stables was willing to help the person and when they visited for the first time, staff saw an immediate improvement in their condition. One staff member said the person was, "Transformed." This person regularly attended and worked at the stables in a variety of ways including mucking out and grooming the horses.
