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Sunrise of Eastbourne


Sunrise of Eastbourne in Eastbourne, East Sussex has been rated overall Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The home achieved outstanding in four out of five key areas; effective, caring, responsive and well-led services, and good for being safe, following the inspection on 11 & 16 July 2018.

During the inspection, the CQC found the home was led by a dynamic, committed and highly knowledgeable management team who promote a good quality of life through exceptional implementation of care, treatment and support.

The report highlighted that staff were trained to be aware of signs of abuse and were encouraged to report concerns, which were investigated. A robust recruitment process was in place to make sure people were cared for by suitable staff. People knew how to raise concerns and were confident any concerns would be listened and responded to. Any concerns or complaints were investigated with actions identified to make improvements.

The management of the service promoted an open culture and actively promoted inclusiveness amongst staff and people. The registered manager was passionate about driving improvement and demonstrated clear values and principles by which she ran the service. The provider had implemented robust quality monitoring systems which they continually reviewed and evaluated to improve people's care.

Residents received exceptionally effective care, based on best practice by staff with an in-depth knowledge of their care and treatment needs. People were supported by clinical governance process that looked continuously to explore areas of leading practice and drive improvements for people's quality of life. The service looked for, and promoted, innovative approaches to the delivery of care and support. Staff had very good skills in managing and reducing risk and keeping people safe whilst promoting people to lead fulfilling lives and minimise restrictions on their freedom. People received their medicines safely and on time from staff who were trained and assessed to manage medicines safely.

People received a very responsive service. Staff went above and beyond to ensure that needs and wishes were at the centre of everything they did.

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