Tynedale House in Blyth, Northumberland, providing accommodation and personal care to people who have a learning disability and/or autism, some of whom also had physical disabilities and dementia related conditions, was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 4 & 9 December 2019.
It achieved the score of good for the safe and effective categories.
The CQC report highlighted that some people had experienced difficulties settling into their previous care homes. Staff put a lot of time and effort into successfully understanding people's needs, considering their personalities, preferences and lifestyles to ensure people adjusted well to change. This reflected best practice guidance for people with a learning disability and/or autism that enabled people to live at Tynedale House without further disruption and distress.
Staff provided exceptional support enabling residents to lead lives that were full of possibilities. People were inspired and motivated by staff to pursue activities which were enjoyable, meaningful and rewarding. Staff supported people to build strong friendships and make links within their local community.
One person was very well-known at the local football ground. With help from their key worker, they had been involved in the football supporter's magazine and raising awareness of people with learning disabilities.
Staff displayed strong person-centred values and exhibited a genuine passion and commitment to people. They had made every effort to provide continuous high-quality care, which they had sustained over time. A relative said, "The thing about this place is that the staff stay; some have worked here for ages. They just don't want to leave."
