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Waterhall Care Home, Millton Keynes


Waterhall Care Home in Millton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, a residential care home for older people requiring personal and nursing care was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 30 September & 1 October 2019.

The safe, effective and responsive categories received the score of Good from the CQC.

The CQC report highlighted that there was a strong focus on staff building trusting relationships with people. One person pointed to a member of staff and said," She is fantastic, she makes me feel so good."

A relative said, "The staff are like angels, they are so caring and compassionate, you can tell they love what they do."

The entire staff team showed a passion for promoting and protecting the unique identity of each person living at the home. For example, supporting people who liked to have their own space and not to join in group activities. Staff respected their wishes, whilst ensuring they did not experience any form of discrimination or isolation.

A room and meals were provided for relatives that wished stay with their loved ones receiving end of life care. In situations when people had no family, or they were not available, an extra staff member stayed with the person, so they were not alone.

The relative of a person receiving end of life care said, "The manager and staff are all extremely caring, and very supportive.”

Residents care plans were held on mobile devices. Staff said using the devices meant they could record in 'real time' the care they provided, and this meant the care plans were always fully up to date.

People also had care plan summaries available in their bedrooms, which highlighted their likes and dislikes, and any specific care needs, for example, eating and drinking and manual handling needs.

Records showed the care plans were regularly reviewed and updated.

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